About WCRP (formerly WACTAL)
Wisconsin Collision Repair Professionals Inc (WCRP) is a statewide trade association comprised of independent and dealer collision repair centers, technical colleges, and businesses affiliated with the collision repair industry.
According to our President Larry Terrien, “The collision repair industry needs to take the initiative in establishing itself as repair professionals. Our new name will be a reminder to our members and the industry at large of who we are and how we should go forward."
WACTAL, now WCRP, was originally established in 1971 by a group of collision shop owners with common concerns regarding operating their businesses and the collision repair industry. We currently represent more than 1,000 collision repairers and more than 200 collision repair facilities in Wisconsin. WCRP members are noted for professional, high quality collision repairs and are leading the Wisconsin Collision Repair Industry to higher levels of quality service and customer satisfaction.
Your comments and opinions matter, both to WCRP and its individual members. We hope you find our site useful and welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can improve our efforts. Contact us at wcrpinfo@gmail.com or phone our office at 262.542.7707.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help provide a future for the collision repair industry. The achievement of this mission will require a shared effort by WCRP staff, officers, directors, members, elected officials, and consumers working together for continual improvement. The organization, member programs, and educational opportunities offered to WCRP members will reflect the skills and knowledge needed to work successfully in our changing world.